Excel Lasers Ltd. provides worldwide service and technical support for the complete range of Diomed lasers along with the Delta and Venacure 1470 lasers from AngioDynamics. By utilising our existing knowledge (former Diomed / Angiodynamics engineers) of these products we are able to provide a complete service, from laser diode replacement and full product refurbishments to calibration and electrical safety checks.
For the D series we hold original test and manufacturing equipment and have access to the original technical data.
Our servicing includes...
Diomed PDT range
Diomed D series
Angiodynanics Delta range
Angiodynanics Venacure 1470
Diomed Delta
Get in touch
Talk to us if you are considering investing in lasers or Airplasma / Onemytis for the first time or think you could be doing more with them in your practice. We are here to help.